What we do

Our community is built by global UX’ers of all different levels. We strive for a safe and welcoming space for you to expand your UX experiences, including increase your skills, growing your network, asking questions, finding a mentor, and have fun!

Design Challenge
Portfolio & Resume Review
Virtual Events
Design Challenge
Portfolio & Resume Reviews
Interview Mockups
Whiteboard Challenge
IUX Challenges
A Design Challenge is a project to evaluate your approach on a design problem by applying your design skills to real-world scenarios.
UX Designer Challenge Aug-Sep 2023
IterateUX Design Challenge is unique and well-valued by our participants. Our 6-week UX design challenge is what you need to speed up your learning in UX.
Learn research, ideation, prototyping, and storytelling. Win with cutting-edge, user-centric projects!
UX Design
Feb - Mar 2023
UX Research
Aug - Sep 2022
UI Design
May 2022
Learn more

⚠️ Challenge dates change
We have modified the dates of the next challenge. 
We'll announce shortly the new changes.
For any inquiry email design.challenge@iterateux.com

Portfolio & Resume Reviews
Are you looking for a UX Job and need help? Look no further, we at IterateUX provide portfolio and resume evaluations for free with experienced Designers!
Our live portfolio review sessions are organize by our team to help you receive portfolio feedback. Our senior UX professionals will help you push your portfolio to the next level.Submit a ticket and fill up a form! Please let us know when you complete the form. We'll have one of our volunteers take a look at it. We'll have one of our mentors review it with feedback! Pssst...
Whiteboard Challenge
It is critical to practice in order to shine during your whiteboard challenge.
Submissions are on hold
However, practice will boost your confidence in your abilities. At IterateUX we holds Monthly whiteboard challenges. Participants in this free virtual meeting form a group and collaborate on a UX design prompt.
You can either join the whiteboard team or simply observe and learn the process.

There is time after each whiteboard challenge to ask questions and receive/provide feedback.

You can watch videos of these whiteboard challenges for additional learning.
IUX's tips: Step-by-step guide to better approach onsite whiteboard design interview for UX candidates.
Ask questions to specify the challenge
Ask about the users and their context
Write down the main steps of the story
Write down the main steps of the story
Summarize the story, improvements
Interview Mockups
Practice your interview skills one-on-one with our senior UX professional. We host private interview sessions to help you gain feedback and enhance your interview skills.
Be the first to know about Interview Mockups
Join our Discord server
We are a discord community, focused on learning, connecting, and helping others grow within their UX career in a fun and supportive environment.
Design Hangout
Post your designs for review, talk about design, provide your point of view in design. Everything is design in our Discord platform.
Research Hangout
Post UX Research surveys, usability tests, interview requests, recruit participants for a study, or UX Research Resources.
Job Hangout & Interview Help
Post cool jobs you've heard about or tell us cool your journey. Need help to prepare for job interviews? Feel free to post job interview questions.
Portfolio & Resume Review
Need help with your portfolio & Resume? Submit a ticket and fill up a form! We'll have one of our mentors review it with feedback! Pssst...
Exchange information, experiences, and design ideas among UX people and connect with other peers.
General Chat
Random non-UX topics like your favourite Pokemon, what TV show you're watching, your doggo (cause who doesn't love a gudboi?)